When it comes to your happiness, are you a mechanic or a gardener?

In your life, where can the discipline and structured approach of a mechanic be helpful? Where do you need the patient, systems-oriented, consistent care of the gardener?

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The mechanic in us is efficient and optimises, gives us discipline and structure.
Mechanics fix. They work with machines, parts, output, efficiency, and measurement. There’s a predictability and sense of control in approaching life like a mechanic. The mechanic in us is efficient and optimises, gives us discipline and structure. But when it comes to happiness, a straightforward mechanic’s mindset might get frustrated by all the things we need to (but cannot easily) ‘fix’ and change to be happy – our circumstances, other people, our plans.
The gardener must let go of control and efficiency, in humility and respect.
In contrast, gardeners cultivate. They work with nature, seasons and weather, systems, the cycles of life and death. The gardener must let go of control and efficiency, in humility and respect. The gardener’s approach to happiness and well-being means doing what is needed at the appropriate times, and then letting the greater forces of nature and time do its thing. The seeds will sprout when the conditions are right, not when the gardener wants it to.
We need to be both…

The mechanic can help us cut through procrastination and over-complicated thinking. Wanting to be happier can seem daunting but the mechanic might help us keep it simple – address what you can within your immediate area of concern and control, implement science-based ways of improving well-being (kindness, gratitude, savoring/joy, relationships, mindfulness), be disciplined in establishing consistent habits.

The gardener then understands that happiness takes time to cultivate. And that there are many factors at play in our inner and outer environment. But if we sow appropriately, provide necessary water and fertilising, learn to work with the “environment” of our lives, then a fertile productive happiness will result.

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