The movies in our minds

When we are not at our best, it can feel like our minds are cloudy. It can be so hard to think clearly as the thoughts keep swirling. 

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A situation crops up – imagine this like a movie playing on the big screen.

We can get quite caught up in this movie, engrossed by the twists and turns, real or imagined. We layer on the planning or the worrying or the fantasy. We plan out best and worst case scenarios to no end.

Now with some self-awareness, we might pause and go – Hang on, what’s going on here?

Are we lost in this movie of our making? Or do we remember that we are a movie-goer in the cinema seat?

With mindfulness, you can learn to zoom out and observe this whole scene, both the movie and what’s happening for you in the cinema seat. You can see how the movies keep rolling, one onto the next… sometimes they are serious documentaries, sometimes sci-fi flicks, sometimes rom-coms, occasionally a news flash, or sometimes just advertisements for the latest gadget or holiday destination.

We also have our favourite re-runs, those familiar, repetitive storylines that we’ve watched over and over again!

We may never be rid of our ‘movies’ but we can gain some perspective. Even more importantly, it might be possible to – hey, where am I? Why am I in this cinema? Oh, this re-run again? Are others watching the same movie as me?

Some tips to practice with the “movies of our minds”:

  • In a short meditation practice, try labelling/naming the types of thoughts that come up. For example, planning, worry, forecasting, judging, fantasy, etc. With repeated practice, you start to more quickly notice the movie by its ‘genre’ or ‘mood’. 
  • For working with your favourite re-runs, you might try naming/visualising it as a movie or the certain character in the movie. At one point in time, I imagined my anxious, distracted, busy self as a cartoon Crazy Chef who would create a storm in the kitchen, making much mess with little satisfactory result. It was rather amusing to see the cartoon chef, at a little distance 🙂
  • Reconnect with your cinema seat. Remember that it’s always possible to come back to your breath and feel your body in the chair!

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