The bus will come when it comes…

Take a seat. Wouldn’t it be nice to stop and rest? Instead of pacing around, wondering when the bus will come? As we all know, the bus will come when the bus comes 🙂

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Please take a seat ? My neighbourhood bus stop in Clearwater Bay, Hong Kong.

Mindfulness is a similar invitation, to pause for this moment. Before the next thing happens, before you get on that next “bus” of thought or feeling. How about just taking a breather, being present for the life that is right here before us, finding rest in this moment?

Mindfulness isn’t rocket science. Learning to see where you are, remembering that being right here is ok, remembering that the bus will come when it comes.

For those of us who can’t stop planning, wishing, willing, straining, thinking, trying, resisting, doing, stressing, sometimes what we need is a little seat and a breather.

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