Relaxing is a Responsibility

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Win the long game… but even more than that, win the whole- life game!!
Not just the career game, or the success game, or how does this look? game, or even the parenting game, or the self improvement game. But the whole-life game.

This is the game where you can pause and look in the mirror with integrity, peace, hope, resilience, congruence, strength, vulnerability, and truth.

Where does relaxing fit into all of that? In the Mindfulness and Insight Dialogue practice that I do, there is a specific guideline called Relax. And this relax means….

✔️ Softening, releasing, letting go of unnecessarily bodily and mental tension. Leading to ease 😎
✔️ The development of a calm confidence to meet anything that shows up in the present moment. Leading to resilience 💪
✔️ Not needing to run or hide from things that are unwanted or unpleasant. Leading to honesty and integrity.
✔️ A growing receptivity to information, internally and externally. Leading to clarity and wisdom.
✔️ Being kinder to self and other. Leading to being more pleasant to be around, and improved relationships 💕
✔️ Letting go of the small things in favour of what truly matters. Leading to perspective and dedication.

I tried doing more and going faster before. But doing just that without the essential balance of slowing down and stepping back didn’t quite get me what I was hoping for. This world, in my experience, is weighted too much in one direction.

I discovered that this form of relaxing is way more than resting and chilling. This form or relaxing is a real responsibility we have to our well being and impacts our ability to act effectively in the world, and it’s also a deep and wonderful practice!

Let me know if you’re curious to try a different way to success and well being!

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