Mindfulness for a better world?

What are we doing sitting in meditation when there is so much happening in the world? Does Mindfulness help us work for the greater good? How does the practice help us take more effective action in the world?

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When I head out for walks,

I feel in awe of the trees, the sea and sky, of nature’s systems and processes that sustain this earth.

AND I often also feel the anguish and sadness when I see the plastic in the seas and rubbish left behind by hikers and visitors.

It’s a challenge to hold both of those perspectives and sets of feelings at the same time.

Caught between our deepest values and hopes, and the tough realities and facts of how things are, how do we respond? Do we find ourselves flip flopping between the two?

If we could pause to really look at the world around us, not as we hope, but as it is, this is the first step towards acting effectively. Without overwhelm or resignation, we can hold true to our vision with one foot firmly in reality.

So in your life or in your work today –

Where do you see the potential for greater good? What inspires and enlarges you?

And where are there areas to work on, things that need more effort or focus? Where do you feel let down?

Allow a period of mindful reflection today, holding both of those perspectives simultaneously to see what emerges.

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