Meeting the waves

When we are not at our best, it can feel like our minds are cloudy. It can be so hard to think clearly as the thoughts keep swirling. 

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If the seas of life feel turbulent these days, you are not alone.

We can’t stop the waves, but we could learn how to meet them with a little more steadiness.

So here’s a little practice of meeting the waves….

Follow your breath as it goes in and out… with its natural rhythm, just as it is.
Each breath, like a wave coming in and going out… maybe this one a little deeper, the next more shallow, one a little smoother, the next less so.
Noticing how at least for a breath or two, you can watch with awareness and meet the waves.
And then with the outbreath, also seeing if you can release, let go. Allowing the body to breathe itself.

It doesn’t seem like much, this capacity to watch the breath, this way of meeting the waves of life.
Do try it out though.
It sure beats running around trying to tame the seas.

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